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Happy birthday Petyyy!
Posted by soczol at 2008-04-09 00:00:00

Yes folks, that's right. Petyyy has reached the age of 23 today!

Ever since he joined NordicBots, Petyyy has handled a lot of requests. His peak was in 2005 when he handled more than 4.000 requests, and he has been progressing ever since.

He recently reached the astonishing (and in some way magic) milestone of 10.000 requests!

This is more than 15% of our total number of requests (since we started counting them in 2004) and has (so far :-)) not yet been reached by anyone else.

Petyyy, you are a great and devoted contributor to our service. Thanks for supporting us for all these years and congratulations with your milestone, you deserve it!

We hope you have a great day, gets loads of presents, and send (each and everyone of us) a piece of pie!

~ Your friends at NordicBots.

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#12008-04-09 01:32 | dusti (NordicBots Staff)
Happy Birthday mate!
Enjoy your day. :)

#22008-04-09 16:13 | anton (NordicBots Staff)
Another one going old! :) During my 1-2 year(s) here, I've noticed that Petyyy likes to be involved in everything, he does what he's supposed to do and more. Also, he've been taking alot of requests (like me). But yer, you're the roadmodel to us guys. Happy Birthday, you deserve it. :)

#32008-04-09 18:14 | Petyyy (NordicBots Staff)
Thank you guys very much :)

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