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Ooops... Seems we have forgotten a few birthdays :)
Posted by soczol at 2007-05-22 08:05:31

It has come to our attention that we kind of forgot to congratulate someone in NordicBots with a lot of his past birthdays (3 years, ouf :D). But, I want to make that right now!

He's the guy that was there from the beginning, one of the main guys that made NordicBots what it is today: TheAvatar.

He had the weird idea to start a botservice years ago and managed to support that idea for more than seven years. We have had bad times and good times in NB, but you kept supporting us, which i think isn't always as awarded as it should be, so I would like to take the time do so.

TheAvatar has reached the age of 23 today, and as we kind of forgot to mention him in previous news items, this would officially be his first 'doh, you are getting old' post :)

Thanks for all your time in NordicBots, we hope you will stay with us for a long time, and *really* sorry for forgetting all your birthdays in the past, hope you can forgive us ;)

Have a great day.

- Your friends at NB Staff.

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#12007-05-22 08:08 | Petyyy (NordicBots Staff)
It wasn't easy to find that date. I guess it's one of the biggest NB secrets. :D Anyways happy birthday avy :)

#22007-05-22 08:12 | TheAvatar (NordicBots Staff)
Thank you very much - it has been - and still is - a pleasure working with all of you guys :-)

*smells retirement in not that many years from now :D*

#32007-05-22 08:20 | Mini-m3 (NordicBots Staff)
Now that the guys mentioned it I don't recall talking about your birthday! From now on we wont miss it!

Happy Birthday,BOSS!
:D :P

#42007-05-22 18:05 | anton (NordicBots Staff)
Congrats Avy!! :). Hope ya get a kickass b-day!! :)

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